domenica 11 settembre 2011

Bozza dichiarazione di princìpi PSE

06 September 2011
PES Declaration of principles
Draft working document
The socialist and social democratic movement has long fought to build a good life for all.
We are proud of what we have achieved for people. The welfare state, universal education and
health care lifted millions out of poverty and created more equal, just and secure societies. Our
movement continues to aspire to be, as it always has, a force for transformation. We work
together with the people and our progressive partners for a better, more secure future for all.
However powerful, the past cannot be changed, but the future can be shaped as it is always in
the making. We have done it before and we can do it again in the 21st century. This is a matter of
political choice.
Our movement stands for freedom, equality, solidarity and social and environmental
justice. Our fundamental values are universal. They are interlinked. And their true expression
requires democracy. We stand for freedom in society as opposed to freedom from society and at
the expense of others, for equality, not egalitarianism, for solidarity as opposed to charity and for
social and environmental justice, not pity.
Together, our values form our moral compass with which we fight to build progressive
societies. These are societies in which individuals do not struggle against each other but work
together for the benefit of all. These are thriving, trustworthy societies which take care of their
environment now and for the future. These are societies in which each and every person is able
to create the conditions for his or her emancipation.
Today, our values are being challenged. People, money, goods, information and ideas travel
around incessantly in an open world. But the reality of globalization has also led to a sense of
accelerated and fragmented living. In this world, underestimated economic forces such as
financial markets have gained huge amounts of power over democratic power. These forces do
not serve the common interests but only those of a privileged few. Short-termism, easy profits and
loose rules triggered the worst crisis in eighty years. Conservative forces, however, continue to
work to preserve the system as it is, cementing inequalities. We shall not give in to the message
of pessimism. We shall not let them target communities and people as scapegoats for the ills in
societies. Instead, we shall make the future in societies a better place for all.
Our principles for action
1. A democratic society means that democratic power prevails in all areas of life. It means that
citizens are able to decide, not only to choose. Democracy must be pluralistic, truly
representative of society’s diversity and enable everyone to participate, with an open public
sphere and an independent media. The freedom of speech that exists in the physical world
must also exist in the virtual world.
2. Democratic power requires a strong public authority at local, regional, national and
European level. It preserves the public good, guarantees the common interest and promotes
justice and solidarity in society. Public authority must be exercised according to principles of
good governance, the rule of law and accountability.
3. Internationalism means our action is outward looking. Our solidarity goes beyond national
borders. In today’s world, long lasting prosperity, stability and peace requires effective
coordination as equals.
4. Giving back a real meaning, a real value and a real continuity to work in life is central to
ensuring people’s emancipation. Work is our keystone to enable people to be the designers of
their future and develop a sense of pride in society.
5. A society based on our values means a new economy that embodies them. In a valuesdriven
economy, environmental sustainability, human dignity and well being are inbuilt into
wealth creation. This new economy fosters social progress.
6. Sustainability means lasting solidarity and justice for the future. It safeguards the planet and
people against short-termism. It means we preserve the planet, protect the elderly and invest
in youth to ensure intergenerational solidarity.
7. A strong and just society is one that instills confidence and inspires trust. To guarantee this
trust and confidence, we must ensure that the wealth generated by all is shared fairly. This
collective responsibility embodies our conviction that we are stronger when we work together.
8. Progressive societies can only be truly inclusive. An inclusive society does not single out
targets. Rather it embraces its diversity. This means the same dignity and freedom for all men
and women and equal access to rights, education, culture and public services.
9. We fight for a society that recognizes gender equality in full legacy of the feminist movement.
We want a society in which women and men share work, share time and share roles, in the
public and private realms.
10. Our shared pride in society guarantees our shared security. A free, peaceful and just society
is one in which people are safe as they go about their lives.
We want to shape the future so that people regain control over their lives. In order to achieve
progressive societies in the 21st century with our values at their heart, we need to adapt our action
to the realities of today’s world according to three axes for change. We must create a new idea of
richness that is much bigger than material wealth. We can only talk of society in so far as we
formulate it for everyone. And we must be open and develop policy across the frontiers in Europe
to regain lasting power at all levels.
In a world more multi-polar and interconnected than ever before, we need a new type of
political action bringing together local, regional, national, European and international levels. To
achieve effective democratic sovereignty today, the national level must be articulated with the
European level.
A unified voice that is truly political is needed in Europe. A unified action by socialist, social
democratic and labour parties across the European Union and progressive partners within civil
society and trade unions is required. The Party of European Socialists embodies these principles
for action. Together we will continue our political struggle in Europe for progressive societies in
the 21st century.

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